Friday, 28 October 2011

Wedding Reception

There are an infinite number of possibilities for your wedding reception site. Where you get married should represent your style; it should fit into the image you had envisioned yourself since the first day you started planning your wedding. As you look for your wedding reception venue, be sure it is fitting theme for your wedding. Does it fit the theme of your wedding? No one is expecting your to create a Broadway show production, but be sure the location accommodates the overall theme and fee of your wedding – whether it be a location, a flower. The location of you wedding reception needs to reflect the style and personality of the bride and groom. In addition, it needs to be an enjoyable, memorable experience for the wedding guests.

Selecting a reception site will depend on its availability, price, location to the wedding ceremony site and its capacity. Having your ceremony and reception in the same location can save you money and stress! One of the most important factors to consider is capacity. If you can’t seat all you guest, it doesn’t matter how much you want a location. Only visit sites that can accommodate the number of guest you plan to invite. You should also be flexible when determining your wedding date. Chances are the venue you like is already booked for your date, but you may be able to secure it for following week. If you really like the site, it may be worth the wait?

Find out how they charge for their services. Most hotels and restaurants charge per person where a flat fee is charged for each guest, including food, beverages, tables, chairs, linens, etc. Other venues such as clubhouses, parks charge you based on a period of time.

Most importantly you should feel comfortable at your own reception. Follow family traditions if those are important to you, but not because you feel pressured by family or guest expectations.

Wedding Video

A video presentation of your wedding can become the most entertaining memory of your wedding day. It is a crucial part of your wedding, and you should treat it accordingly. You have many options to have your wedding videographed. You can have a friend or family do it for your, or you can hire a professional. If you hire a professional you need to consider several issues.

You need to make sure you are hiring an experienced person. You should view their previous work and ask for sample footage. On the demo you want to look for clarity and an overall feel for the work. The steadiness of the camera is another point to consider.

Make sure you understand what is included in the final product you are purchasing. Is it a DVD? What is the expected duration of the video? How many cameras are used to produce the movie? Ask to see if you can include photos and other video footage? Make sure you can select the music you want. Will they provide you with the raw footage, so you can later edit it yourself?

It is best if the videographer is familiar with the wedding ceremony and reception venue. Ask to see if they are willing to visit the location prior to the wedding to become familiar with the place. The visit should give the person clues about angles, lighting, and other important factors.

Be sure the videographer understands the schedule of your wedding. Explain to them the most important aspect to the wedding. They have to understand what is the most important to you. Perhaps there are certain people, or places that you want him to emphasize. The more they understand what you are looking for in the video the better they are equipped to make the most memorable product for you.

Your wedding is a once in a lifetime experience, so do everything you can to preserve the moment.


As the matron of honor you sometimes have to be included in some major decisions. The event was very small and the bride was considering whether or not she wanted a friend of hers to make the cake. Wedding cake decorating is an intimidating process but her friend insists that she will do a wonderful job.

We have talked the whole thing over a number of times and if the lady has a grasp on wedding cake decorating methods then maybe this would be the best choice for the couple. They are not able to spend a lot of money because neither of them have parents who are able to contribute to the event. The cost of the ceremony and the reception lies in the hands of the couple.

My husband and I paid for our own wedding and reception and I have to admit that I did consider taking some courses on wedding cake decorating myself. I wound up buying three sheet cakes that I placed on tiers. My wedding cake decorating skills were so lacking that I just put fresh flowers on the cakes and went with that.

I did get a lot of great feedback but that was only because many of the guests thought that the flowers were hand drawn with icing. They were amazed by my wedding cake decorating skills until they got up close to the display. My pastry was fine but really nothing amazing.

The bride for this event does want something special but she can’t envision paying up to eight bucks per slice of cake for the event. Her friend is offering to take on the task of the wedding cake decorating as a present for the couple. The bride and I decided to look up some information about the process before giving a response.

The lady is a natural when it comes to baking and her regular birthday cake decorations are amazing. Everyone wants to see what she is going to do next. She is a wonder when it comes to baking as well as designing. She is very talented but is she talented enough for wedding cake decorating, too?

We immediately went to to find out whether the average cook could take on such a project. I wish that I would have consulted this site before my reception. This site takes you through each and every step of the wedding cake decorating project. It includes everything from the supplies that you will need to the final touches.

The bride decided to accept the gift and I have to say that she made the right decision. The wedding cake decorating project looked very professional. Ironically, the designer used fresh flowers on the arrangement. Great minds think alike.

Wedding Ceremony Songs

Most people choose to include music in their wedding ceremony. It has been a long standing tradition to have music for the arrival of the bridal party, and also to have a special song for the bride’s last walk as a single women. There is always music that is played after the couple has been declared as married, and this music follows them from the church for their first moments as man and wife. Wedding ceremony songs can be whatever you want, and you don’t have to go with the traditionally used songs if you don’t wish to do so.

When it came time for my husband and I to choose our wedding ceremony songs, I was sure I didn’t want to use the usual “Here Comes The Bride” tune when I walked down the aisle. I had childhood memories of that song, which often included the addition of words that were not so flattering. I wanted something different. When it came time to choose our wedding ceremony songs, we decided to meet with the organist to choose some traditional songs there were fit for a wedding, but may not be as popular.

What I didn’t count on when choosing wedding ceremony songs was the emotional state of my husband. He’s not usually openly emotional about anything, and he often bottles things inside. This never bothered me because he is pretty much the same as most of the men I have known in my life, both family and friends included. When we were listening to some of the wedding ceremony songs we were considering, the organist also played the song I didn’t want. Much to my surprise, tears sprung from the eyes of my husband-to-be and he blurted out that he always imagined me walking down the aisle towards him with that song playing. With a few tears, I was overruled, and we ended up using it because I knew how much it meant to him.

When it comes time for you to choose your wedding ceremony songs, you don’t have to go with the traditional if you don’t want to. You can find suitable songs all over the Internet, and your organist, pianist, or whoever may have suggestions for you in regards to wedding ceremony songs. Take your time in making your decision and find something you both like. Just watch out for your groom, he may really surprise you. Make sure you make him part of the process as well.

Wedding Cards

I never really realized how much went into picking out wedding cards until I had to do it myself. I didn't see any reason to think that wedding invitations would be any more difficult to pick out than birthday invitations, anniversary cards, or any other routine forms of greeting for special occasions. After all, although people ideally only have one wedding, a lot of the aspects of it are still pretty routine. You hire a band just like everyone else, you dress in a similar fashion, you have similar choices for food, and you even pick out a similar location. Some people get extravagant, consulting wedding planners to help them find exotic destinations and themes, but your majority of weddings follow some pretty well set traditions. Since that is the case, why should it be so difficult to pick out a wedding card?

In reality, wedding cards are extremely difficult to pick out. I never really thought about it before, but there are many different fonts, many different possible wordings, and even many different styles of paper that can be used. Do you want your wedding cards to look formal, or would you prefer them to have a more modern, laid-back appearance? Do you want them to be extravagant, or do you want simple wedding greeting cards? And that doesn't even get into wedding thank you cards. Should they match your wedding invitations, or should they be completely different?  Should they come with a great deal of elegant wording, or should they be blank to allow you to come up with your own personalized response to each gift giver?

To tell you the truth, it was very difficult for me to make up my mind on these issues. It isn't that I'm very picky. I have just the opposite problem. All wedding cards look more or less the same to me, so I couldn't choose which one to send. Since my wife is legally blind, she was not much of a help in the matter either. In the end, we decided to consult her mother and let her make the final decision. That way, at least someone would be extremely happy with the wedding invites, and it would make her feel appreciated as well. I have to say that the cards that she picked wouldn't have been my first choice. They were a little too formal for my tastes, and seemed stilted and insincere. Even so, they were definitely appropriate for the occasion, and it was nice to have someone making the decision for us.

Wedding Favors for a Romantic Wedding

Wedding can be planned in a variety of different themes. Weddings can have themes based on the seasons, on a holiday, on the beach, on science fiction, on a period of history or any other theme imaginable. However, the underlying theme of any wedding should always be love and romance. Even weddings which may not have a particular theme will likely convey the message of love and romance. This article will provide ideas for wedding favors which will help you to give your guests a reminder of your wedding which will help to invoke the feeling of love and romance. Whether you are planning a particularly romantic wedding or a wedding based on another theme you might want to consider giving favors which are related to romance.

Anything invoking a feeling of love will be an appropriate wedding favor for a romantic wedding. One great example is a silver picture frame with the word love inscribed into the silver. This is a very simple favor but it is also one which accurately conveys the message of love. Your guests may choose to put a picture of you and your partner in the frame to serve as a definite reminder of you and your wedding or they can use the picture frame in any way the wish. However, they decide to use the frame, it will likely always remind them of your wedding. Each time they see the frame displayed in their home, they will fondly remember how much fun they had at your wedding.

Coasters can also be given as favors for a romantic wedding. This may not seem like a particularly romantic gift because it is more of a practical item but you can find ways to make this simple gift more romantic in nature. For example coasters can be purchased in a heart shape or in a design which reflects the theme of love and romance. A coaster displaying a picture of a bride and a groom is one way to do this. The coasters can also simply have the word love written on them or can be decorated with heart shapes to make them seem more romantic. There are even heart shaped coasters available which are designed specifically for wine glasses. These coasters are much smaller than average coasters and can create a very attractive appearance.

Books can also be an excellent idea for wedding favors for a romantic wedding. Again, this may sound as though it will not be particularly romantic because books are typically viewed as being very practical items. However, your choice of book can greatly influence whether or not it is appropriate for a favor at a romantic wedding. A book such as a book of love poems or quotations related to love would be very appropriate to give as favors at a romantic wedding. With a little creativity you may also find other books which are appropriate. For example if you and your partner are particularly fond of a certain classical romance novel you might consider giving each of your guests a copy of this book.

A CD filled with love songs is another great favor idea for a romantic wedding. You can download some of the love songs you and your partner enjoy or songs which you plan to feature at the wedding and put these songs on a CD for each of your guests. You may even want to decorate the CD cover with a portrait of the two of your or with another image which will invoke the message of love and romance. This is not only a romantic gift but it is also a gift which can be very inexpensive. Many savvy brides and grooms may even be able to create these CDs on their own with their home computer. However, even if they do not have the time or the resources to do this, it should be rather inexpensive for the couple to find someone to do this for them.

Wedding Reception Location

The wedding reception site you select affect the atmosphere for your entire celebration. Everything from your invitations, your dress, the food that is served, and the music will be impacted by the location for your wedding reception. Therefore, finding the right location should be on the very top of your wedding planning list.

Before you begin your search you should no, at least approximately, how many guest you would like to invite. You can change a lot about a venue, but there is nothing you can do about capacity. If you can’t seat everybody on your list, you need to find another venue. The manager should be able to inform you of the maximum capacity of the place.

Another essential factor is your first impression. First impression is so important, that if you hate the place at first it is unlikely you would enjoy celebrating your most special day there.

You don’t have to get married in a hotel, a country club, or any of the obvious places. There are a variety of possibilities for exciting wedding receptions. Historic buildings or exotic beach destination weddings are a couple of examples of out of the ordinary wedding locations.

Whatever location you chose, be sure you understand what is included. Some venues quote you with food, some without. Others may include the furniture such as chairs and tables, and you may have to provide it yourself at other locations. Make sure you understand if the cake is included, how much staff is provided, are food and beverages included, etc?

Make sure you understand exactly what is and is not included. Don’t assume anything. The cost of a reception venue can add up based on what is or isn’t included. Try to bargain and make sure the management understand that you are considering several other places.

Make sure everything is in writing. It protects you and the venue to have everything in writing.

Wedding Reception Favors – A Welcome For Your Guests

Wedding reception favors are those small tokens that say so much. After the excitement of months of planning, you are finally married – now the fun can really begin! Wedding reception favors sit waiting for your guests at their table setting, inviting them to join in the fun with you. So choose your wedding reception favors carefully – they don’t have to be expensive, but they should be welcoming.

To nearly every couple, the wedding reception is as important as the ceremony itself, as this is when the bride and groom get to share their joy with their families and friends. Wedding reception favors are the couple’s first gesture towards their invited guests, and so convey an important message. Whether large or small, expensive or more thrifty, the ideal wedding reception favor should say welcome – come and join the fun.

There is no more welcoming wedding reception favor than something personal, something that reflects the bride and groom, and the relationship they share. Symbols of love are often chosen as wedding reception favors for this reason, and cheap wedding favors can include simple items, including heart shaped boxes and candies, ribbons and even confetti.

The secret of effective wedding reception favors is often simplicity – and this means that wedding favors don’t have to cost the earth. The embracing sense of welcome is conveyed as much in the arrangement of the table setting as the gift itself, and cheap wedding favors can be highly effective when arranged thoughtfully. Pretty stationery and wild flowers are as beautiful a wedding reception favor as a more expensive gift.

Every bride has spent hours reading bridal magazines, and has seen a multitude of beautiful table setting examples. The magic behind each and every one of these is not the expense with which wedding reception favors were purchased, but the care and creativity with which the settings were arranged.

So welcome your guests to your wedding party by choosing wedding reception favors that embody the happiness of your special day. Arrange your favors with thought and care to send your guests the welcoming message that wedding reception favors were created to convey.

Choose your wedding reception favors to make a special day.

Wedding Reception Events

The wedding ceremony is finally over and the last picture at the ceremony site has finally been taken. It is time to celebrate! The reception is often the aspect of the wedding that receives the most planning. It’s also the aspect that receives most of the budget! Below is a short guide to the events at the reception. For more great reception ideas, be sure to visit

Usually while the wedding party is taking pictures, the guests head over to the reception site. If there is going to be a sit-down dinner and the budget allows, it is very thoughtful and a wonderful idea to have some drinks and hors d’oeuvres waiting for your guests to enjoy. Depending on the photographer, this waiting period can be up to an hour. In addition to enjoying some refreshments, guests can also sign the guest book and leave gifts on a designated table.

If the reception is buffet in style, many brides and groom opt to allow guests to eat before the couple arrives at the reception. The only issue I have with this practice is that people will often leave before the bride and groom arrive. If you don’t want to open the buffet before your arrival, again the beverages and hors d’oeuvres are a good idea.

When the bridal party arrives, the DJ or other speaker announces the grand entrance. The wedding party comes in first and the newlyweds come in last. Everyone’s name is announced. If desired, the relationship to the couple may be stated as well.

There are still some couples who want to have a receiving line so that they will see all of those who came to help them celebrate. If you would like to have a receiving line, do so as soon as you arrive. Again, if you don’t have the receiving line as soon as you arrive, people will leave.

Once everyone is at the reception, toasts are made. The traditional toasters are the best man and parents of the bride and groom. This is the parents’ opportunity to formally thank all of their guests for coming.

The first dances are a tradition that endures to this day. Usually the husband and wife start off the dancing and no one else dances before them. In addition to the newlyweds, the bride and her father as well as the groom and his mother often share a dance.

Two other traditions at receptions are cutting the cake and tossing the bouquet and garter. The couple would be wise to discuss covering each others’ faces in cake versus making a clean exchange before the wedding. Even with this discussion, beware!

The final event of the reception is the final dance. After the final dance, the bride and groom leave the reception. The guests shortly follow and then the parents all collapse in a big heap! It has been a long day, but didn’t we all have fun?

Pepper Montero

Wedding Reception Events

The wedding ceremony is finally over and the last picture at the ceremony site has finally been taken. It is time to celebrate! The reception is often the aspect of the wedding that receives the most planning. It’s also the aspect that receives most of the budget! Below is a short guide to the events at the reception. For more great reception ideas, be sure to visit

Usually while the wedding party is taking pictures, the guests head over to the reception site. If there is going to be a sit-down dinner and the budget allows, it is very thoughtful and a wonderful idea to have some drinks and hors d’oeuvres waiting for your guests to enjoy. Depending on the photographer, this waiting period can be up to an hour. In addition to enjoying some refreshments, guests can also sign the guest book and leave gifts on a designated table.

If the reception is buffet in style, many brides and groom opt to allow guests to eat before the couple arrives at the reception. The only issue I have with this practice is that people will often leave before the bride and groom arrive. If you don’t want to open the buffet before your arrival, again the beverages and hors d’oeuvres are a good idea.

When the bridal party arrives, the DJ or other speaker announces the grand entrance. The wedding party comes in first and the newlyweds come in last. Everyone’s name is announced. If desired, the relationship to the couple may be stated as well.

There are still some couples who want to have a receiving line so that they will see all of those who came to help them celebrate. If you would like to have a receiving line, do so as soon as you arrive. Again, if you don’t have the receiving line as soon as you arrive, people will leave.

Once everyone is at the reception, toasts are made. The traditional toasters are the best man and parents of the bride and groom. This is the parents’ opportunity to formally thank all of their guests for coming.

The first dances are a tradition that endures to this day. Usually the husband and wife start off the dancing and no one else dances before them. In addition to the newlyweds, the bride and her father as well as the groom and his mother often share a dance.

Two other traditions at receptions are cutting the cake and tossing the bouquet and garter. The couple would be wise to discuss covering each others’ faces in cake versus making a clean exchange before the wedding. Even with this discussion, beware!

The final event of the reception is the final dance. After the final dance, the bride and groom leave the reception. The guests shortly follow and then the parents all collapse in a big heap! It has been a long day, but didn’t we all have fun?

Pepper Montero

How To Word Wedding Invitations

Art, in general, is the appreciation of beauty. It implies order and harmony of parts in a given whole.

Human life does not imply merely physical survival. It is a vocation towards the refinement of the spirit. Hence, the demands of daily life include and derive meaning from the cultivation of those traits that truly reflect man’s innate dignity. In this context, ethics is considered an art. However, there are art forms that are different from those that are considered as ethical

For this reason, certain actions of man must be in proportionate to the ethical standards as dictated by man’s innate dignity. One of which is how we should use words in different functions.

Take fore example the wordings in a wedding invitation. Careful use of words and establishing them correctly is very crucial in wedding invitations. This is because wedding invitation are the first-hand symbol of the wonderful celebration that is about to take place.

Any misused, abused, or unethical choice of words may result to misunderstandings or misinterpretations between and among the guests.

Generally, wedding invitation wording should be clearly established to avoid confusions and misconception. There are instances were words may have several meanings depending on how it is used in a sentence.

Moreover, the wordings must accurately define the details of the wedding like the date, the exact time, and the place where the wedding ceremony will take place. These things should be clearly stated because there are cases wherein most guests directly assume that once they are invited, it means that they are asked to attend to the wedding ceremony and the reception.

However, there are some weddings that the couple would usually invite people just for the reception. In this case, the couple has decided to make the wedding very private and that they only want their immediate relatives present during the ceremony. The guests are asked to attend on the reception already.

Hence, to avoid confusion and delusion, it is best to carefully state in the invitation the purpose of the invitation.

On the other hand, wedding invitation wordings may also vary depending on certain circumstances that the couple has no control of. An example is the concept of who paid for the wedding.

In this instance, it is best to choose words that would pay respect to the party whom the recognition is due but should also be made in conformity with the ethical standards, in which the feelings of the other party should be considered also.

For example, if in case that the bride’s parents are the ones who had paid for the wedding, then, the wordings on the wedding invitation should state that it is the bride’s parent s who are requesting for the presence of the guests.

Alternatively, the setting of the wedding should also be considered when establishing the wedding invitation wording.

If the wedding is informal and will only take place in a home, then it is best to replace the usual words being used in formal invitations to a more casual tone but still with respect.

Boiled down, any kind of wordings will do when making wedding invitations a long as the words are in conformity to the ethical standards set by the society and as patterned on the innate dignity of man.

Best of all, the details of the wedding should be clearly stated, otherwise, the wedding invitation will definitely lose its main purpose.

How To Word Wedding Invitations

Art, in general, is the appreciation of beauty. It implies order and harmony of parts in a given whole.

Human life does not imply merely physical survival. It is a vocation towards the refinement of the spirit. Hence, the demands of daily life include and derive meaning from the cultivation of those traits that truly reflect man’s innate dignity. In this context, ethics is considered an art. However, there are art forms that are different from those that are considered as ethical

For this reason, certain actions of man must be in proportionate to the ethical standards as dictated by man’s innate dignity. One of which is how we should use words in different functions.

Take fore example the wordings in a wedding invitation. Careful use of words and establishing them correctly is very crucial in wedding invitations. This is because wedding invitation are the first-hand symbol of the wonderful celebration that is about to take place.

Any misused, abused, or unethical choice of words may result to misunderstandings or misinterpretations between and among the guests.

Generally, wedding invitation wording should be clearly established to avoid confusions and misconception. There are instances were words may have several meanings depending on how it is used in a sentence.

Moreover, the wordings must accurately define the details of the wedding like the date, the exact time, and the place where the wedding ceremony will take place. These things should be clearly stated because there are cases wherein most guests directly assume that once they are invited, it means that they are asked to attend to the wedding ceremony and the reception.

However, there are some weddings that the couple would usually invite people just for the reception. In this case, the couple has decided to make the wedding very private and that they only want their immediate relatives present during the ceremony. The guests are asked to attend on the reception already.

Hence, to avoid confusion and delusion, it is best to carefully state in the invitation the purpose of the invitation.

On the other hand, wedding invitation wordings may also vary depending on certain circumstances that the couple has no control of. An example is the concept of who paid for the wedding.

In this instance, it is best to choose words that would pay respect to the party whom the recognition is due but should also be made in conformity with the ethical standards, in which the feelings of the other party should be considered also.

For example, if in case that the bride’s parents are the ones who had paid for the wedding, then, the wordings on the wedding invitation should state that it is the bride’s parent s who are requesting for the presence of the guests.

Alternatively, the setting of the wedding should also be considered when establishing the wedding invitation wording.

If the wedding is informal and will only take place in a home, then it is best to replace the usual words being used in formal invitations to a more casual tone but still with respect.

Boiled down, any kind of wordings will do when making wedding invitations a long as the words are in conformity to the ethical standards set by the society and as patterned on the innate dignity of man.

Best of all, the details of the wedding should be clearly stated, otherwise, the wedding invitation will definitely lose its main purpose.

How To Word Wedding Invitations

Art, in general, is the appreciation of beauty. It implies order and harmony of parts in a given whole.

Human life does not imply merely physical survival. It is a vocation towards the refinement of the spirit. Hence, the demands of daily life include and derive meaning from the cultivation of those traits that truly reflect man’s innate dignity. In this context, ethics is considered an art. However, there are art forms that are different from those that are considered as ethical

For this reason, certain actions of man must be in proportionate to the ethical standards as dictated by man’s innate dignity. One of which is how we should use words in different functions.

Take fore example the wordings in a wedding invitation. Careful use of words and establishing them correctly is very crucial in wedding invitations. This is because wedding invitation are the first-hand symbol of the wonderful celebration that is about to take place.

Any misused, abused, or unethical choice of words may result to misunderstandings or misinterpretations between and among the guests.

Generally, wedding invitation wording should be clearly established to avoid confusions and misconception. There are instances were words may have several meanings depending on how it is used in a sentence.

Moreover, the wordings must accurately define the details of the wedding like the date, the exact time, and the place where the wedding ceremony will take place. These things should be clearly stated because there are cases wherein most guests directly assume that once they are invited, it means that they are asked to attend to the wedding ceremony and the reception.

However, there are some weddings that the couple would usually invite people just for the reception. In this case, the couple has decided to make the wedding very private and that they only want their immediate relatives present during the ceremony. The guests are asked to attend on the reception already.

Hence, to avoid confusion and delusion, it is best to carefully state in the invitation the purpose of the invitation.

On the other hand, wedding invitation wordings may also vary depending on certain circumstances that the couple has no control of. An example is the concept of who paid for the wedding.

In this instance, it is best to choose words that would pay respect to the party whom the recognition is due but should also be made in conformity with the ethical standards, in which the feelings of the other party should be considered also.

For example, if in case that the bride’s parents are the ones who had paid for the wedding, then, the wordings on the wedding invitation should state that it is the bride’s parent s who are requesting for the presence of the guests.

Alternatively, the setting of the wedding should also be considered when establishing the wedding invitation wording.

If the wedding is informal and will only take place in a home, then it is best to replace the usual words being used in formal invitations to a more casual tone but still with respect.

Boiled down, any kind of wordings will do when making wedding invitations a long as the words are in conformity to the ethical standards set by the society and as patterned on the innate dignity of man.

Best of all, the details of the wedding should be clearly stated, otherwise, the wedding invitation will definitely lose its main purpose.

Wedding Movie Madness

I love nothing more than to spend an afternoon or evening watching my favorite wedding movies.  It may not be my fiancées favorite pastime, but he is generally a good sport about it.  He may not admit it, but he can recite certain scenes from My Best Friend's Wedding off the top of his head.  Quite a few excellent wedding movies have been released in the last couple years, and these are some of my favorites.

Meet the Parents has become one of my all-time faves.  It was released back in 2000, and stars the ever-so-funny Ben Stiller.  The premise is typical of many wedding movies; a nervous young man is introduced to his future in-laws.  What makes this movie so excitingly funny is the role of prospective Father-in-Law, played by Robert DeNiro.  The dynamic that plays out between Stiller and DeNiro is unforgettable.  Oh, the hilarity of it all!

Meet the Fockers is a sequel to the above mentioned, and was released in 2004.  This time around we have the pleasure of meeting the parents of Ben Stiller's character, Greg Focker.  His parents are played by Dustin Hoffman and Barbara Streisand, both of whom deliver unforgettable roles.  They stand in stark contrast to the bride's parents from the previous film.  While the bride's parents are somewhat conservative and stuffy, the parents of the groom are new-age leftists.  These two films have become my all-time favorite wedding movies.  Sooo funny!

The Corpse Bride is another highly entertaining movie with a wedding theme.  This animated masterpiece was released to critical acclaim in 2005.  It is quirky in the way that all Tim Burton films are, and it has some of my favorite stars doing voice-over work.  Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham-Carter play the lead roles.  The premise goes something like this; a young man is having difficulty with his lines during his wedding rehearsal.  He strays off into the forest to practice alone.  He nails his lines perfectly, and places the ring on a fallen tree branch…or so he thinks.  It turns out that the fallen tree branch was actually the decrepit finger of the Corpse Bride, who has risen from the dead and claims to be his legal bride.  Even your boyfriend will love it!

Wedding Planner

Congratulations! Your big day is coming up and you want to have a memorable and successful wedding. A wedding planner is a very important part of keeping things in order. More importantly a wedding planner helps to keep the timing of everything in order as well.

Timing is the key to coordinating a good wedding. You need to schedule appointments for many people who all have different schedules. Knowing their schedules and synchronizing the appointments will help keep the flow of things going.

A wedding planner will guide you through this process. I have provided a link at the top of this page where you can find the wedding planner that I use. I have planned and coordinated many weddings for many different budgets. I still find the main key is to have this all timed correctly.

You should know how long it will take for each task to be completed. It is important to choose quality people and products. However you still need to bring all this together. This planner gives you a layout and will bring things to your attention that you may have never thought of.

Remember the old saying I wish I knew then what I know now. Or I wish I would have done that a different way. This wedding planner was written by an expert who has coordinated 100’s of weddings.

This wedding planner offers many tips that will keep you from making common mistakes and forgetting many important things. With this you can focus and plan with ease instead of frustration. You don’t want to have the most important day of your life messed up and disorganized.

If you are well organized your day will go smooth and you will enjoy your wedding day and remember all of the good things instead of the blunders. Remember it is your wedding day not some one else’s so take charge and plan your wedding the way you and your fiancé want to have it.

Your budget can be small or large. It is up to you how to make it your special and creative wedding. Your friends and family will be surprised when they see how well everything went. I strongly recommend a wedding planner.

Go to the link at the top of this page and click it to get details of the wedding planner tips. I will be posting here in the future on many other helpful tips and links to help you have plan and have a very successful wedding.

For more info please visit my web site at <a href=”” title=”Wedding Planner”>Wedding Planner</a>

Wedding Photography Secrets: Tips For Taking The Best Wedding Day Photos Possible

It’s your wedding…one of the most beautiful days in your life. How else can you make the perfect occasion last? Capture the momentous event with great wedding photographs. Read this guide to make sure you choose the right wedding photography service for your big day.

The first thing to do is to give the most opportunities for the photographer when scheduling activities during the wedding day. When planning the time of the wedding ceremony and of the reception, couples should incorporate the time that the photographer requires to capture all of the couple’s special moments. There should be a gap between the end of the ceremony and beginning of the reception, to allow for more photographs for the bride, groom and wedding entourage, especially if they are in two different locations. The photographers and subjects will have a more relaxed shoot and will enjoy all the parts of the wedding if the events are well spaced out.

Next, think of important factors when selecting a wedding photographer. The photographer should be able to show more than one complete set of wedding photos. Couples should not accept someone who shows only selected prints of their best photographs from different weddings. Ideally, all photographs from 3 to 4 complete wedding sets that are at least satisfactory should be a criterion of a professional wedding photographer.

It is also good to have a photographer that gives a package with unlimited coverage for the whole day. Again, this way, photography will not be rushed.

Next, try to be aware of photography companies or individuals that contract out jobs to a pool of wedding photographers or even freelancers. Salespersons often pose as actual photographers and try to woo customers. Make sure companies deal openly, and ask them to show 3 to 4 complete weddings from each of the photographers they offer you, so you can choose. Make sure the one chosen is the one that will cover your wedding. Otherwise, it is better to find a photographer that personally shoots weddings. A two-person team is an even better package because two points of view of the wedding can be taken.

Some photographers only offer the traditional wedding photography style, or strictly a photojournalistic style. It is best to find a versatile photographer that can do both.

Lastly, couples should take note of some important questions to ask a prospective wedding photographer:

· Are colored and black and whites included, or would he charge extra for B/W? Dramatic effects can be made with black and white photographs, so ask if this is a premium.

· Are hand and digital coloring or digital color separation included in the package or would he charge extra for these? Better pictures are developed when the photograph colors are separated first, improved, and then printed.

· What kinds of cameras does he use? Does he use medium format equipment and have a back up? Does have a "leaf" shutter or "focal plane"?

· What lenses does he use? Does he use only one, or will he change lenses? Make him show you photo effects that he is able to achieve with different lenses and choose the ones which you like to appear with your photographs.

· Is he willing to customize a package that is within your budget?

Asking intelligent questions will encourage photographers to deal openly with customers. Remember, it’s your special day, and you should make sure that the wedding photography is something that will help you and your loved ones relive those wonderful memories.

Wedding Photography

Wedding is not just an event but it is journey that two people have decided to take. Wedding photography may not be a mainstream or commercial photography but it is still an art. It should not be considered to be anything less than serious photography. In fact it is one of the most demanding disciplines of professional work. If you are an aspiring wedding photographer then there are certain key areas that you need to understand. One of the key areas is strategy. Even before you can think about the camera to use, the film roll, the lighting and the background, you need to work on a strategy.

A sound strategy means that you would be able to create opportunities by the numbers. You will have to create an opportunity in every situation. Most wedding photographers take two versions of the same shot to eliminate blinks and at the same time they are able to introduce variety. The norm of wedding photography is to shoot a full-length photo, which is followed by a head and shoulders or half-length photo. Secondly, you will have to create a list of photographs that should be or can be taken during wedding. The list drawn by most professionals include photographs of Bride at home, preparations/wedding dress, parents, bridesmaids, bridesmaids – group photo, bride and bridesmaids, bride and chief bridesmaid, bride and family, parents and bride, mother and bride, father and bride, brothers, sisters and bride, parents and bridesmaids, extended family and any special request.

These will be followed by photographs in the church or outdoors after the wedding ceremony is over. One of the favorite shots is where the bride walks through the aisle. You can take good photos using a tripod so that the flash can bounce from a reflector at around f/5.6 followed by a shutter speed of 1/8 or 1/15 of a second. This will allow ambient light to seep in. If you are not using the tripod then you will need to have one stop less than the normal where the flash will reflect on an 80mm lens and the shutter speed will be 1/30 of a second.

There are basically two types of cameras used for wedding photography. One is the 35mm and the other is a medium format. The 35mm cameras create grainier appearance when the photograph is enlarged as compared to a medium format. Another aspect of photography that you need to know about is the camera film. The camera film is available in both B&W and color. The color film is the most popular one but off late B&W photos are coming to the forefront. The good thing about black & white film is that you can create an artistic look. Secondly, the B&W photos last longer than their colored counterpart. The salient point of color films is that they are more versatile. If you shoot with a color film then you will be able to portray the details of the wedding day. If you are using a 35mm camera for the occasion then your best bet will be 100, 200 or 400 speed film. The 100 speed film gives best quality prints in strong sunlight, the 200 speed film can be used in sunlight as well as shade and the 400 speed film is the best for low light.

About US

For over thirty two years Studio9 has provided our clientele promptly with professional and personalized services in a boutique environment.We represent a team of photographers who are familiar with a variety of traditions and cultures. Combining an editorial and photojournalistic approach, they will capture every moment, emotion and detail of your special event.Our photographic knowledge enables us to provide our clients with fully integrated, editing, design and layout expertise; which will please even the most discerning client.Our bespoke style blends reportage - capturing spontaneous moments in time - with creative,fun photography and elements of portraiture, fine art and fashion. We spend time getting to know you, your style, your personality and your wishes, to create a photography service that is unique to you.

OUR VISION:Our aim is to capture the fun, the emotion and the details of your big day and create a natural, flattering, creative representation of your  wedding.We fade into the background to become invisible observers in order to capture moments as they naturally occur.<br/>VARIETY:<br/>We capture hundreds of shots so no moment is lost, no matter how fleeting. Digital retouching allows us to create a professional fine art finish, turning beautiful photographs into works of art. Naturally beautiful reportage style photography blended with elements of fine art, high fashion and fun.<br/>PHOTOJOURNALISM:<br/>Wedding Photojournalism is an increasingly popular style of wedding photography today.Brides who choose photojournalists to capture their wedding day feel the traditional photography style is stale and old, they are looking for something new and different.Since the subjects are unaware the camera is there, events are captured in a pure, genuine state.True emotion is caught and revealed using this style of wedding photography.Wedding Photojournalism Style is a skill, not just the name of a style of photography.A wedding photojournalist is a photographer whose strength is in capturing the moments.This style is right for you if you want candid and artistic photos, a loose and relaxed way of being photographed, with a photographer that lets the actions of the day happen instead of making them happen.The secret is in the reportage wedding photography services that we offer.........
non-posey, unexpected, and with an original twist. . Even though our style is best described as 'reportage' or "documentation", we appreciate that many couples have the need to orchestrate some posed group photographs which we are happy to oblige.


we recommened the presence of two professional photographers on your wedding day which will cover all the special moments of the ceremony. The decision to have two photographers is a choice that aims at increasing the quality of the photographic service while ensuring the maximum coverage of the wedding. This allows to express a particular photographic style through the union of two different but complementary photographic visions. natural because the service we provide is a photographic story of your special wedding day and not just individual portrait images. The images will be a representation of the candid and natural interaction which will take place in the surrounding environment and with the people present without forcing the images into poses.